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Awakened Life
The Awakened Life

The new edition contains significant changes and covers a broad spectrum of spiritual subjects drawn from India’s sacred traditions. This book is about cultivating a deeper awareness of life and the world around us from a spiritual perspective.

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Sadhana Chatushtayam
Sadhana Panchakam

This is the translation with commentary of Sadhana Panchakam by Jayaram, which explains the importance of each of the instructions contained in the five verses with additional knowledge from the Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita, and other scriptures.

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Bhagavadgita: Unveiling Gita's Secrets
Bhagavadgita: Unveiling...

This Kindle Version contains the entire print version with transliterated Sanskrit slokas, original translation, and a comprehensive commentary along with a detailed historical background, the circumstances, and the socio-religious context of the teachings.

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Shiva Sutras
Shiva Sutras: Aphorisms of Shiva

This Kindle version contains the translation with a detailed commentary of each Sutra, revealing how the mind and body’s hidden powers can be awakened and harnessed through the three distinct paths.

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Bhagavadgita A Simple Translation
Bhagavadgita A Simple Translation

This second edition of Bhagavadgita Translation, originally published in 2011 and revised in 2024, contains transliterated Sanskrit text, word-for-word translation, chapter summaries, and annotations.

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Chandogya Upanishad
Chandogya Upanishad

The first major translation of the Chandogya Upanishad in this century. This revised edition contains the transliterated Sanskrit verses, their English translation, and revised and improved annotated text.

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